Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Elm City Crossfit Story - Crossfit Open WOD 1

As ECC coaches we are constantly amazed at the fight of our members. But I have to share one story in particular that left me speechless. As you all are aware we have begun the Crossfit Open this week to any of our members who would like to participate in this world event. The WODs come out weekly and no one knows what they are before Tuesday night.

I was talking with Woody Wednesday morning after his workout and he was not sure if he was going to participate in the event even though he had already signed up. He referenced the fact that he had never done double-unders and that he cannot do the workout as prescribed. I encouraged him to continue with his plan with respects to participating. My position is that as long as you complete one double-under, he would be counted as participating regardless of the number of rounds. I told him to go to the crossfit main site and Crossfit Journal and search double-unders to learn from different coaches the method behind this movement.

Later Wednesday after before the start of the 5:30 class, Woody comes walking into the gym. He thanked me for the reference materials and he was there to do the Open WOD. I quickly asked him why doesn’t he practice first and do the WOD later in the week. His response was that Thursday was his Endurance day and that he will be busy the rest of the week. (Irish!) I watched him attempt some double unders gave him some quick pointers. I told him no matter what happens he only has to do one to count and don’t waste energy and efforts. Woody set up his bar and positioned himself for his Crossfit Open Wod.

I wanted Woody to do the Wod in the middle of the class. I was hopping the spectator s would give him more energy and motivation. 3-2-1 Go. Woody completed his very first double-under in his first attempt. He quickly reset and did another. He did this thirty times over with only three missed attempts. He then moved forward to the bar for the second half of the round. Woody, in true grit fashion, did not stop moving – constantly in forward motion with very little wasted effort. At the end of the ten minute wod – Woody completed three full rounds. This included 90 double-unders done one at a time and 45 ground to overheads. I was inspired at his focus and motivation. He faced his limitation and took it head on. It was an honor to coach and count him. I share this story with you because everyone has the tools to fight and overcome – no matter the movement or comfort level. Thanks for the schooling! Good Luck Everyone! ~ The Average Joe

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