Is competition good for intensity? Or has competition negotiated pride, professionalism, honesty and community? I often times share with my friends and athletes the importance of intensity. I also share with them the need to focus on yourself – because at the end of the day when you look into the mirror you are faced with reality. What stares you back in the face is the product of you efforts. That individual staring you in the mirror knows without question whether you gave it your all. That person knows if you were honest with your eating, your workout, your mind, your motivation, your conviction and the efforts you have attempted to reach your goals.
But at what price does intensity come with? Does it mean win at all cost? Does it mean overexerting your body? Does it mean over exerting your relationship with yourself? Does it mean negotiating your friendships, your teammates or worse – your community? Elm City Crossfit is a collection of like-minded people who want to change. We all want something. We are all willing to sacrifice to get that something. But what we will not do is sacrifice intensity for relationship or wellness. I am proud to be the owner of a facility that provides an honest avenue towards achievement. I am honored to be surrounded by people who would not negotiate character for intensity.
Life is the ultimate endurance event. You are the individual who controls the outcome or the participation of this event. Exercise in general – specifically Crossfit is an individual sport. Participate with honor and conviction – not exclusiveness ~ The Average Joe