Friday, May 13, 2011

Elite Athlete

In the last several weeks I have been reluctant to write. It has very little to do with a lack of interesting and inspiring topics, yet I feel that actions speak louder than words. In today’s society that is so quick to judge, so quick to offer remediation and so quick to search for the quick fix, I am left wanting to be more traditional. I have always been driven to be different. I am driven by this idea that all people are individuals and each has a story to tell.

In the light of my general theme or mantra on how I view the world, I am left with our current state of affairs. I find thousands of websites claiming to have all the fitness and motivational answers only to be drawn in by flashy pictures and regurgitated nutrition and fitness information. We see entire communities of people loath over fast Fran times and cool tee shirts. I read stories of inspiration and encouragement from an elite athlete who lifts a ridiculous amount of weigh or how spot-light athletes change our general perspectives on what is nutrition and fitness.

Don’t get me wrong, there are some really cool and encouraging stories among the Crossfit elites. I just think that it is time for us as a community to take our faces out of our smart phones and pay better attention to the only athlete that can really make a difference in our lives. I am referring to the athlete that lives in us all. Every single person has one. It is your responsibility to peel back the layers of excuses, history of bad choices and self-imposes limitations. It is time for us to stop with the excuses and start moving.

I have to quote my mother for this one, one of her favorite saying were there are only two guarantees in this world – Death and Taxes. Additionally, I guarantee anyone who makes conscience and decisive efforts to make themselves healthy through proper nutritional and exercise choices will discover their internal athlete. You will feel good about yourself from the inside out. The most simplistic and elementary task that seem so difficult will become a non-issue. Your quality of life will change. The change will not only be felt by you but you will have a positive effect on the environment that surrounds you. I think if we spend less time focusing on other athletes and more time finding our own – we can be elite in our own extraordinary way.~ The Average Joe

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